Friday, February 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Caroline!

Caroline is a Leap Year Baby. Just think, when her friends are 80, she will only be 20! Hope you have a great day Caroline

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Weird Weather

This is Mark and Susan's backyard. After a mini Tornado, or Micro Burst--Or whatever. The corragated steel used to be part of the neighbor's shed or barn. Not so much now. The kids were lucky the steel didn't break any windows, or mess up the siding on the house. I guess the BBQ was banged up a bit, and they lost some shingles. The houses across the street didn't have damage at all. Their garbage cans blew over and that was it.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Playing office

My granddaughter Emily loves to sit at our desk and pretend she works in an office. Today I found some of her work, a house bill, and a heating bill---the heating bill was pretty high 11,020.00
My husband found a note, with a phone number one day that said ---please call Jake Ryan. He asked me if he needed to return the phone call. No you better not--that's Hannah Montana's boyfriend.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Soon, we will be able to head to the desert and explore.
Soon, the flowers in my garden will be in bloom.

Soon, the wild flowers will cover the mountain sides.

Soon, we will be out looking for the wild horses.
Gary and our son-in-law Mike took the ATV's out on Saturday. They found mud and snow. I think I might wait a while before I go out.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My arm is Healing--Finally

Last night I reached with my left arm to turn off the light and I noticed that my arm didn't hurt. It has been several months since the accident, so it's about time. I blame my supervisor, she started it. She bought a Nintendo DS, and she brought it to work and showed us how much fun it was. She bought it because she thought it would be good for her brain. She played BRAIN AGE. So the peer pressure got to me--- I had to have one. So a year ago next month I bought the DS and a few games. I bought games that my grandkids could play when they came over and I bought a couple "BRAIN" games. And I enjoyed them, my brain went from a 80 year old to a 20 something year old--(least once, anyway). Not sure why they think people in their 20's are smarter than people in their 40's 50's and older...but that's the way it works. I did the challenges everyday and every couple of days a new and harder game opens up. Then one day a real game opened, no math, or spelling or memory games. It was a little like TETRIS and I liked the game and I was good at it, and I wanted to play it all the time. So I did, I played it while watching movies and I played it too long and that's how I got my injury. There were warnings on the box and on the games...I just didn't believe them. So I did the only thing I could ----I handed the Nintendo and games to Emily and told her--"Don't give this back until my arm stops hurting" . I'm thinking I might let Emily keep it for me, maybe I can just visit my Nintendo once in awhile. Who needs a better brain anyway?

Monday, February 16, 2009

In Need

I am so ready to head for the hills....On the ATV's ........just wish it wasn't so cold, or I wasn't such a wimp.
The pictures----the top one is before Photo Shop and the bottom is after, it doesn't look real. Last year the wild flowers where wonderful. Can't wait to see what nature has instore for us this spring.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


The Idaho grandkids spent the night Friday-well not Payton. But Emily, Tucker and Hadley.
We had a fun time, We.....

Made things out of clay

Watched Barbie Princess movies, and Stewart Little

Played princesses

played with glue and glitter

Read books

Played house---I tried to be the dead grandma, my plan was to lay on the sofa-I'm bad, I know.

After the kids left Gary and I took a nap.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I Can Share, Now

My daughter, Susan said that I can share what she has been going through--See post for Feb. 4th---

When Susan went in to see the Doctor for her 6 week check up, you know 6 weeks since she had her little baby girl. The OB said she needed to have the mole on her back looked at. And she said that Susan should have it looked at right away. So the first thing Susan did was look on the internet and was frightened by what she read. Anyway the mole was tested, and the biopsy came back that it was melanoma, the Dr said--don't worry and stay off the computer---too late.

The mole, along with alot of tissue was removed, Doctor said they caught it early --so now all we had to do was wait to see what the results of the blood test and chest x-ray were. It was the longest few days of my life. Oh -- and everyone else in the family. Everything looked good, she did have 3 more moles removed, because one, came back precancer. Now Susan will have to be checked every 3 months, for a year and then every 6 months for a time. No more sun tanning, and since it runs in families, Amy, John, her dad and I should be checked out. I am so thankful that everything turned out like it did. God is Good

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Happy Birthday Hayley

Happy Birthday---Hope you have a great/fun day. We miss you.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Susan

I'm bad ----I looked for a recent picture of Susan and all I could find was pictures of her new baby. This was take in Jan. when she and Payton went to Twin Falls with us.

Super Star!!

I spent the day with Payton and Susan. It was a fun day.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Happy Birthday Matt

Happy Birthday Matthew - I hope you have a wonderful day. I wish Southern CA wasn't so far away.

Good News

I found out today that the blood test and x-ray of the "loved one" (yesterday's post) is clean/ cancer free.
I am so thankful. God is so Good. If/when I get permission I will blog more about the experience.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Bad Week

I've had the worst, most awful week and it is only Wednesday. I can't really blog about it, because it's not me with the problems but it is a loved one and a good friend. I've been so worried. But yesterday morning, I opened my Bible to this verse

John 14:27 (New International Version)
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

Monday, February 2, 2009


I noticed on my site meter that a couple of people found my blog by searching for Jewels and gems. I'm sure, I'm not what they had in mind. However I do enjoy looking for rocks. I wish I could say jewels but I really haven't had that kind of luck, well except for the time Gary gave me my diamond engagement ring while we were out for a drive and picnic. Idaho is the "GEM" state so that helps in my rock/gem hunting. Also I have a husband that doesn't mind stopping and letting me poke around in the hills. I have the most fun sharing my love of stones/rocks/ gems, with the little kids. It is so much fun watching them fill their pockets. And when they give me one of their special rocks, I keep it. The most prized and precious gems are my family.