Tuesday, May 27, 2008




Monday, May 26, 2008

Yes, we are that crazy

See the black clouds? And the road? That's where we were headed, a little rain never hurt anyone. We went about 4.5 miles before we started hearing the thunder, didn't take long for us to turn around and head for the pickups. Tomorrow --the muddy mess.

Sunday, May 25, 2008


Saturday, while on our ATV trip we visited 2 grave yards. The one in Placerville is amazing, huge, beautiful, tomb stones. The other grave yard was on top of Grimes Pass. I'm not sure how my son-in-law knew it was there, it only had a few graves. Not sure if you can read the first stone, it say's he was killed by hostile Indians.


We should have stayed home and worked on the yard, flower beds, the front entry, so many other projects. But the mountains were calling us. Well Amy and Mike called us. It really didn't look like it would be the best ATVing weather, cloudy, rainy and chilly. We just prepared for the worst. The trails were damp from the night before so there wasn't any dust, and we were rained on, but it wasn't too bad. We rode in the Centerville, Placerville, area. We also drove over Grimes Pass down into GardenValley. Beautiful area. On the way to Idaho City we passed the Lucky Peak Dam, because of all the snow we had this year, and heat wave we had last week the "Dam People" are releasing a lot of water into the Boise River. They call it the Rooster Tail. It doesn't happen very often.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Our Anniversary

Gary And I celebrated our 12 year anniversary on Sunday by heading for the hills looking for cooler weather. We found it.

Emily's Dance Recital

Saturday evening Was Emily's dance recital. All the girls did a wonderful job. My favorite is when Emily tumbles. She does wonderful walkovers.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Camping at Home

The picture is where our furnace/air conditioner used to to be. We are buying another furnace, they/ the heating guys, came and took it out yesterday, giving us a few days to tile and paint before they replace it. Did I mention they also took out the hot water heater. So we will be staying in the 5th wheel trailer. We will have hot water for showers and an air conditioner. It's a good thing because we are going to have a few days of very hot weather.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Tonight Tucker had his first t-ball game, he's so little, but all the players were. It was the funniest game. Tucker was always hustling after the ball. He'd run to get it, even if he was running the bases. They only had 1 practice. So they did great.

Monday, May 12, 2008


Hadley just got her first haircut. Hadley was singing "JESUS LOVES ME" just as loud as she could.

I can't wait to hear her sing, can't wait for them to move back to Idaho.

Sunday, May 11, 2008


Today Gary and I pulled weeds in the berm/flower bed. It looks so nice it was worth the effort. Still have several areas to clean up. It's doubtful we will get it done anytime soon. We would rather be out on the atv.
I got a video on the phone of my Granddaughter Hadley -singing Happy Mother's day. We went to my sister and brother-in-laws house for a BBQ, to celebrate the 3 birthdays and Mother's day. My kids couldn't come, Amy and Mike spent the day with his folks ( we spent last week with them at the Church camp). Susan and Mark are in Mexico, having a great time. John and Nicole are in Kalispell. I don't know how to put the pictures on the blog correctly or in the right order. --Anyway the 1st picture is after they blew out the candles--no the fire alarm didn't go off, maybe Tony needs to check the batteries. 2nd Justin, Sean and Gary, blowing out 3 boxes of candles, and it was only half as many as we needed. 3rd picture- Carrie my niece mom to 2 boys. My mom -Thelma mom to 2 girls,(old girls)--2 boys, (not near as old), and 2 boys in heaven. My sister- mom to 2 girls and a boy.

Saturday, May 10, 2008


Today is my husband's birthday. I think we are celebrating by going to HOME DEPOT for paint. We need to get the laundry room finished, before the heating guys bring the new furnace. We want to paint the corner where the old furnace and water heater have been sitting since the house was built many years ago. Gary wanted a gun, so that's what he got for his birthday. Actually he bought 2 guns in a week and half time. When asked how many guns he needs the answer is "JUST ONE MORE" The picture I'm putting on the blog is one taken in Haiti, he was there for a couple of weeks Feb. 2007 working on MISSION AVIATION FELLOWSHIP airplanes. The other picture is of my nephew Sean, his birthday is today also. We will celebrate both birthdays and Mother's Day tomorrow at my sisters.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Nicole and Hadley came to Idaho for a surprise visit. Nicole called me at work and asked if I wanted to go to lunch. We had a nice visit, I enjoyed talking to Hadley, she talks so well for

2 1/2.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Wonderful News

My daughter Susan and Son-in-Law Mark announced this weekend that they are having a baby. Their first. Between the my husbands kids and my kids we will have a dozen grandkids. Hopefully more to come.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

I had three videos from our weekend and I'm going to put them on the blog, even if it take all night. I'v never inserted a video before. I think I'm doing pretty good.

Snow much fun

Most of the family went to Donnelly to our Church Camp. We worked on Cabins, getting them ready for all the camps this summer. They still had so much snow. The camp directors said that they were so behind this spring, getting the grounds ready. Last year at this time they had already mowed the lawn twice.