Today Gary and I pulled weeds in the berm/flower bed. It looks so nice it was worth the effort. Still have several areas to clean up. It's doubtful we will get it done anytime soon. We would rather be out on the atv.
I got a video on the phone of my Granddaughter Hadley -singing Happy Mother's day. We went to my sister and brother-in-laws house for a BBQ, to celebrate the 3 birthdays and Mother's day. My kids couldn't come, Amy and Mike spent the day with his folks ( we spent last week with them at the Church camp). Susan and Mark are in Mexico, having a great time. John and Nicole are in Kalispell. I don't know how to put the pictures on the blog correctly or in the right order. --Anyway the 1st picture is after they blew out the candles--no the fire alarm didn't go off, maybe Tony needs to check the batteries. 2nd Justin, Sean and Gary, blowing out 3 boxes of candles, and it was only half as many as we needed. 3rd picture- Carrie my niece mom to 2 boys. My mom -Thelma mom to 2 girls,(old girls)--2 boys, (not near as old), and 2 boys in heaven. My sister- mom to 2 girls and a boy.
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