My computer is giving me fits.... I think it has the swine flu.... or maybe it's a worm. I need to get it in and get it cleaned up. We bought a lap top for our Company office, Gary will use it to keep track of all the pictures he takes of his projects. And if all goes well we will use it for Quick books. However, I need to learn how to use a lap top......I really don't have a clue. Hopefully I will learn to love it.
I'm working over time again. They made program changes in the new system, so now we can get all the spud cellars / locations in using longitude and latitude we are building new cities at each cellar site, using each cellar name as it's own city. example----Gray Storage with the city of Gray Storage, Id. The transportation package we bought only uses real cities. And since farmers don't build their spud storages next to the post office, we needed to have changes. It seems to be working pretty well. Most of our storages in Idaho are in, and some of the Columbia Basin Storages are done. The new go live date is May 21.
the same
7 hours ago
that stinks that you will be working more hours until after Em's recital.I am sure you are really tired :( This weekend should be really fun !!!
Sorry to hear about your computer problems..hope you get de bugged! Sounds like you are really busy at work! Hope you find some time to have some fun soon:)
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