Tonight as Gary and I were coming home from John and Nicole's house, and as we were driving down the highway I saw a car stopped next to a corn field. So I wondered ....are they stealing corn? No, too early, the corn isn't ripe, besides it looks like seed corn (it was getting dark, and the rows were going the wrong direction, it was hard to tell).
But, that made me think of the time about 30 years ago when I sold corn---U-Pick sweet corn---Golden Jubilee. I put an ad in the paper, and lady called and asked me if I was selling corn off of the Bull row of seed corn? I didn't even know people did that. I said no, its normal corn. I guess she didn't believe me cause she kept asking questions. Today the 50 + Jewel would have told her, we were out of corn for you.
So that story made me think of the time when a lady called to get directions to my house so she could come and pick corn. I told her to take Franklin Road south, cross Highway 20, go about 1/4 mile and turn left, we are the first house on the left. She told me that Franklin dead ended at the highway. I said no, Franklin goes 1/4 mile further. she said no, I'm sure that Franklin dead ends at the highway. I said then where do I live? least I hope I said that.
Then that story reminded me of the time that the Pastor wanted to come and visit, so I gave him instructions on how to get to my house....only I told him to turn right instead of left. (I've always been right hand/ left hand challenged) He found me anyway.
Then I thought of the time another Pastor wanted to visit us. I bought a house after my divorce and moved from the old farm house, down the long lane, to a newer house in a subdivision. So he was sitting on the sofa getting to know the kids and I. But we kept looking out the window. He finally asked okay what gives? See, when we lived in the country any time we heard a car, we had visitors. It took my kids and I awhile to figure out none of the cars we heard were coming to our house.
All of those stories were going through my head.....just because some guy had a flat tire, or whatever he was doing out there in the dark.
the same
7 hours ago
Memory stories, aren't they the coolest. Wish I could remember more of them.
I do remember obsessively looking out the window. I think that is how I spent the entire summer before 7th grade.
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