Last weekend, kept me very busy. I was surprised, I enjoyed it so much. I thought I would be tired come Monday morning, but no. Last Friday after work, I picked up Emily, Tucker and Hadley-- so we could have a sleep over. Gary was on an over night camp trip, and since Mike was with him, Amy came later in the evening to spend the night too. She doesn't like spending the night alone Anyway, when I picked Hadley up, I held Jillian, and I thought to myself how wonderful it felt to hold such a tiny baby in my arms, she fit perfectly. Friday night while we were watching a Disney movie, Hadley jumped in my arms and hugged my neck during a scary part. I thought how great is was to have a 3 1/2 year old in my arms...she fit perfectly. Saturday morning, I left Amy and kids and headed to Susan's to Baby sit Payton, Susan and her husband were with friends floating the Payette river. I enjoyed spending time with Payton, I held her in my arms and rocked her, and it felt so great to hold a seven month baby in my arms, she fit perfectly. I'm sure Emily 10 and Tucker 5 would have fit perfectly in my arms, but they were busy playing with and entertaining their cousins.
the same
7 hours ago
OOh your grand children are so wonderful, and new baby. Our new premie baby is going home today! after about 40 days in hosp. We will be going to Louisiana in Sept to see them. can't wait. wish we were closer like you folks. /jo
They do seem to fit perfectly whatever their age! Hadley looks just perfect holding her new sister! :)
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