Time to get the pipes blown out, it's been so warm it's hard to think about getting freezing temps. The trees are still loaded with leaves, so what is probably going to happen is the weather will turn nasty and wet and we won't be able to get the lawn cleaned up until ..... who knows, we've been out in January cleaning up leaves before.

We borrowed my brothers air compressor, thanks David.

The peach trees behind our house, are finally getting some color.

I'm so glad that the family that bought the property in front of our house, put hay in, no more blowing dirt.

I love to take pictures of my flowers, but most of the time they don't turn out, so I will just keep trying.
Thanks for visiting my blog, Jewel. I've just discovered yours & wanted to let you know how much I like your header photo - the leaves & their different colours are really beautiful !
Hey Jewel..You have Peach Trees! We can not grow them here..too cold. I bet you were glad for that hay field too..all our leaves are down..in front of the door! :)
Dear Far Side:
Our neighbor has peach trees and cherry trees. But they are nice enough to share. I live in an area that grows peaches,cherries,pears, apples, plums, apricots, grapes they surround us, but Gary and I aren't fruit ranchers or farmers.
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