I Have Been Tagged
I was tagged by http://farsideoffifty.blogspot.com/
My Six Quirks
1. I read lots and lots of blogs, but only know two people who blog, my daughter and her friend.
2. I hate it when people stand close to me at the check out stand, I try to put my cart between me and them.
3. I very rarely pay full price for anything. I like to bargain shop. Except for food-- see below.
4. I only buy name brand foods. That started with Xhusband.
5. If I don't think I can do a good job with something, I don't try. (I have never made homemade pie crust, beside Pillsbury is good)
6. I have a hard time finishing projects
This is the first time I've ever been tagged.
Here are the rules: Link to the person who tagged you, Mention these rules on your blog,Tell about your six quirks, Tag six bloggers to do the same Leave them a comment to let them know that you have tagged them.
the same
7 hours ago
1 comment:
Hey Thanks for joining in! I know three bloggers, My daughter who is a very busy Mom and Wife who teaches English (she doen't pick on my style at all..yet) My husband who has a marvelous sense of humor but he does not blog often, and My Friend Lattice who is from Idaho also. I met her years ago when she was a Forest Service firefighter. But I have met lots of other bloggers, I wouldn't know them if they came to visit..but they are my friends none the less:)
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