Monday, December 29, 2008

It's my Story and I'm sticking to it!

Last night I wrote a wonderfully uplifting and inspiring post. It was profound, yet somehow funny. You would have loved it. There wasn't one bit of whining about how awful my computer was acting, or about the snow that melted leaving a huge muddy mess at our house. But you won't be able to see it, BLOGGER ate my message.

So sorry

Friday, December 26, 2008

Sledding Simplot Hill

The founder of the company I work for -JR Simpot built his home on a hill over looking Boise. JR flew a huge American flag, it was so big that when the wind blew, the snap was so loud it woke the neighbors, or kept them awake, or at least it bugged them--I heard about it on the news. Anyway a few years ago the Simplots donated their home to the State to be used as the Governor's Mansion. For some weird reason people have always been welcome to use this property for snow sledding in the winter and Ice blocking in the summer. The kids had a wonderful time, with the exception of Emily, she had fun until they hit a bump and she went under the sled. They should have had helmets. The one draw back to the sledding area is the road. So we adults, stood at the bottom to stop any sled that got too close.
I wonder if she will end up with a black eye?

Before the crash!

The race is on.

I enjoyed watching my grandkids, my nephew and my great nephews having a blast.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

What A Wonderful Christmas!

We have been blessed this Christmas, with a new grandbaby. What could be a better present?
Erin, my niece thinks getting engaged is a pretty good present. Welcome to the family Andy.

John, Nicole and Hadley think that finding out they are having another baby is a great present, and so do I. Their baby is due the end of July.

My mom and Dad---John and Thelma---They started all this!

Susan and Mark and Payton. They didn't make it to the big family dinner- The Doctors told them to keep the baby away people, especially little kids that might have a cold or flu. Gary and I went over to their house this morning for breakfast.

Amy and Mike, Emily and Tucker--We haven't had Christmas with Gary and me and all my kids, we wanted to wait until Susan and Mark and the baby could join us---Not sure when that will be.

my nephew Sean and his nephew AJ.

My niece Carrie and her sons Patrick and AJ.

My sister Cheryl and her husband Tony.

My brother Rick and his daughter Courtney.

My brother David and his sons, Garron and Justin.
We had a great day, great food, gift exchange , and games. Tomorrow some of us are going sledding. Not me, I'm taking pictures. This is the only time I will hope for snow.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

Gary and I are spending a quiet evening at home tonight. I had to work today until 1:00, but since Gary already had plans, and the pickup I stayed at work until 2:00. But I spent the time with my feet up resting. When I got home I made a popcorn cake, and I need to make one more plate of goodies and Cranberry salsa for tomorrow. Tomorrow morning we are going to Susan and Mark's for breakfast, truthfully I'm going to see the baby:) then we will go to my mom and dads house for dinner. The whole family will be there, well except for the brand new baby, and her parents. Have a Merry Christmas.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Winter is here!

The only thing good I can say about winter being here is that the days are getting longer. We are having a Winter Storm Warning, we are supposed to get between 3 and 7 inches. But if we do, it will blow into the next county. The wind is blowing so hard. The snow drifts that we have at our house are brown because of the dirt on top.

My new header is Jump Creek Falls -taken on Christmas Eve last year. We went for a drive with Gary's daughter Kelly. The falls is just a few miles from home so we thought we would stop on the way home, hoping that the falls would be frozen so we could get some great pictures. I wish the creek was frozen so that when I slipped on the rocks crossing it I wouldn't have gotten so wet. It was fun hiking last year, but it might be too cold to venture out this year.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

It's a Hard Job, but Someone has to do it.

I went back to the hospital to see Payton, oh and Susan. Susan's husband had few errands to run so I got hold the baby while mommy took a shower and tried to nap. I think she got a whole half hour. Hopefully it will be easier to sleep when they get home to their own beds.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Payton Marie--Is Here

This morning I got a call from Susan saying, I missed the birth. Payton was born at 5:19 this morning. I went to bed last night with the feeling that I wouldn't be there for the birth. I guess Susan progressed much faster than anyone thought she would. When we left last night she was having contractions but they weren't uncomfortable. By Midnight she was in a lot of pain, so they gave her a shot (epidural) and she felt much better. I'm not sure of all the medical terms and names of all the shots, and meds. And if I did I wouldn't be able to spell them. Anyway, Susan dilated from a 2 to a 10 very fast. After Payton was born, the Dr and nurses couldn't get her to cry and she was grunting. She couldn't breath very well, so they took her to intensive care to check her out. By the time Susan was able to go up and see her the babies blood sugar had dropped so they needed to get Payton fed. But now baby and mother are doing fine. She has her dads hair....Lots of black hair....she is a beautiful baby. Payton makes a even dozen.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Susan is in the Hospital

Susan went in for another ultra sound today and the Doctor that read the results told her she needed to be induced, her fluid level had dropped a lot and the baby wasn't moving very much. So she's at the hospital now--the kids sent us home because it was going to be a long boring night. They are giving her a low dose of the meds that start labor and tomorrow morning they will give her a strong dose. So I will go back tomorrow morning unless something happens tonight.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Susan update

Susan went to the Doctor today, Susan was hoping that she would decide to induce labor, but no. The Dr. said she wasn't ready--the baby is, but Susan's body is not. It was decided that if nothing happens before, Susan will be induced on the 26th. Now what is she going to do with the little t-shirt that said "WHO NEEDS SANTA, I'VE GOT GRANDMA" I'm just glad I didn't go crazy with little Christmas outfits. Anyway Susan has been looking on-line for ways to start labor. She heard that a foot massage, could start well as other ways ;)

My confession---I have been taking a PM pain reliever almost every night. I sleep great, but I decided I needed to stop taking them, if Susan calls me in the middle of the night, I want to be ready to go... So last night I didn't get much sleep, I think tonight will be a different story.

Today at work, one of the drivers brought in a large plate of goodies, peanut clusters and popcorn balls, etc. Something came over me, I felt the desire to go home and make goodies for the neighbors. I'm thinking that if I just hold off for a couple of days the desire will pass.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas shopping

Tonight we are braving the cold and going out to shop, ....wait I don't think you can call it shopping when all we are doing is buying gift cards. I don't think giving gift cards is as much fun as giving actual presents, but I want everyone to get what they want, I don't want them to have to stand in a line to return items that don't fit. The tree isn't as pretty without all the presents underneath. However the up side is we don't have to spend two nights wrapping. Anyway wish us luck, I'd like to get done tonight---I plan on spending time with a baby girl soon

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Baby Shower

Today was Susan's baby shower given by my side of the family. She's already had a shower given by her dad's side and a shower given by and for her friends. This quilt was made by her aunt Cheryl, Cheryl also made a valance for the baby's room and she put a ruffle on a lamp shade. Susan receive a lot of very nice things. She is a lucky girl.

Now on another subject. Someone from Poland stumbled on my blog because I spelled Straw wrong. I typed it staw bale ....I hate when that happens.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Snow! No!

We were supposed to wake up this morning to about 3 inches of snow. But no, and I'm not that sad. Driving in snow brings back bad memories for me, back in the days that I felt lucky that my car made it to work, I didn't need icy, snow covered roads to add to the problem. I used to pray that it would snow, (if it had to snow) east of Nampa and west of Caldwell, that way at least I could make it from home to work. I know, that the farmers need the snow pack, and even though I am not married to a farmer (anymore) the job I have does depend on the farmers. How can you make french fries without the Idaho farmer. Oh and my son-in-law is the program director for the Bogus Basin Ski Education Foundation. So let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow. But only in the Mountains.......
PS---Gary isn't crazy for the snow/cold either, after owning a fishing lodge in Canada. He has told me stories about how hard it was to keep things going in the winter. Today however he has an easy commute to work. He just walks across the yard.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Long Day

We had our 2nd annual Christmas Luncheon today at work, it's for the office staff. But we invite some vendors and Upper management. So I went to work dressed for a party, well as dressed up as I get, no Crocs or jeans. Oh how I wished I had worn jeans and tennis shoes. We were busy all day setting up tables, hauling chairs and putting them around the tables, setting tables and decorating tables...... We did have a wonderful Basque meal. Then the clean up started.....I didn't get much office work done today, so tomorrow I will be playing catch up. AND.... Last month I suggested we do another cookie exchange, So, I had to come home tonight and make plates of goodies.
Note to self-----Zip the Lip.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Happy Birthday John and Carrie

John and Carrie's first Christmas

2nd Birthday---I think

One of their Graduation pictures

Guess what my sister and I were doing 29 years ago today. My poor parents, both of their daughters in labor at the same time, I was at the Caldwell Hospital and my sister at the Hospital in the next town. John was born 1:37 am and Carrie 6 1/2 hours later. Sunday at their birthday party Carrie called John "Her twin brother by another mother"

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Fun Weekend

I got up very early Saturday morning to do some shopping, early morning is the only way I can do Walmart--Saturday evening we went to the Caldwell Christmas night light parade. I was amazed at how many people showed up to stand in the cold night air. Above is a picture of some of the lights, and the Christmas tree I watched being hauled, (see Nov. 17)

Amy, Mike, Emily and Tucker

Sunday, we celebrated the Nov/Dec birthdays. My brother, my son and my niece. John and Carrie were born on the same day, but more on that later in the week. 21 people came over for tacos, and birthday cake.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Christmas Dance

Last night we went to Emily Christmas Dance recital, this is the only picture I could get of her that looked okay. The pictures I took while she was dancing were scary, the weird white eyes. I don't know how to get a good shot in a gym.
Tucker and Hadley.
Gary is putting the cover on the 5th wheel trailer. He's sad, because it means we won't be going on a camping trip any time soon. In the past we have gone to California for a few days during the Christmas holidays. Death Valley, a couple of times. New Port, once, San Diego, once. We meet up with Gary's daughters and their families. We always enjoy having Christmas with them. This year I didn't want to go anywhere until Susan has her baby.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Susan Update

Susan had the ultra sound this afternoon. The Doctor doesn't want to induce yet the baby isn't very far down yet and the amniotic fluid is at 7--something, if it was 5 or below they would have induced. The baby is fine 7 1/2 lbs and moving a lot. Susan mentioned that the babies arms and legs stopped growing----I guess the last time the baby was measured the babies arms and legs were about a week ahead--(longer that normal). But now I guess everything is on track. Susan is tall and has long legs and arms, so I thought the baby was taking after her. The Dr. told Susan to come back in Monday for another test, to keep drinking lots of water, and to stop working 12 hour days. I'm very thankful that everything looks good, I sure was looking forward to holding a sweet newborn tomorrow. Thank you for your prayers

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Please Pray

My daughter went to the Doctor to for a prenatal visit, she is due December 24th. The Doctor was concerned that Susan was smaller this week than she was last week. The Doctor is concern about low amniotic fluid, and wants Susan to have an Ultra sound tomorrow. Susan ask the Dr. if she should be worried and the Dr. said no. But she is, and even more so, since she went on line and googled "low amniotic fluid". Susan said that they may induce her. She will know tomorrow.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Beauitful Sunday

Do you know why I'm jealous of Gary's office? Because he will have 14 can lights, My son-in-law, Mike owns an electrical company and planned the light placement. I only have about 19 lights in the whole house--If you don't count the kitchen (because Mike planned the can light placement in the kitchen during the remodel) I'm thinking if I ever got more lights in the house, Gary would just turn them off anyway. I think he's a bat.

What a great day we had yesterday, it was so warm, it was wonderful. We took advantage of the weather and worked on the shop office. Gary wanted to finish getting the steel siding on the new office, I went out to help, mostly I thought I would keep Gary company. I ended up using power tools, my first time---. Gary put the first couple screws in to hold the steel siding on and I used the power drill to put in all the screws that I could reach from the ground, I don't think standing on a ladder and using a drill would be a good idea. I liked working on the office better than cleaning the house. I also raked leaves out of the weed bed, I mean flower bed, I have to get a handle on my flower beds next year, they are awful.


Happy Birthday to my baby brother!!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving Day

Mom and Dad aka Thelma and John relaxing after dinner--I always put the pictures on back wards.
My nephew Justin playing Monopoly --did you know that now instead of funny money, you get a debt card?

My nephew Garron and daughter Susan playing Monopoly, we also played Trival Pursuit, and Would you Rather.

My Brother David and Sister Cheryl checking out the Ham

My brother Rick and his Daughter Courtney

My mom and Courtney--check out all the pies my mom made, she also made all the rolls and brought a Turkey, not sure what else she made.

My neice Erin she brought her boy friend and the yams.

Daughter and Son-in-Law, Susan and Mark. Mark brined and injected and deep fat fried a turkey, it tasted great. They also brought a raspberry pretzel salad and a pumpkin desert.

Courtney made a chocolate Turkey cake.

This year Thanksgiving seemed quiet. The whole family couldn't be together, only 16 people came, only 3 kids. 5 children were missing. It was weird, and everyone was missed. We managed to have a good time, there was plenty of food, duh. We played games so there was a lot of laughing.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

God has been good to me!

The good thing about being down on your luck, is that you are so Thankful when your luck turns around. Without the trouble I had when I was a single mother with 3 kids, I doubt I would feel so blessed now.
I'm thankful for:
My job of 18 years, because I remember how scared I was when I had to find a job after being a stay at home mom for 10 years. It took what seemed like forever to get a good job, I worked so many part time jobs, 3 at one time, and I was laid off too many times to count.

That I have a truck that works, because I had so many car problems, my cars broke down so often that it became a family joke. It seemed like I was jinxed. But my brother or dad would come to my rescue. One time my mom came to my rescue, when she pulled the handle to open the hood of her car, it came off in her I guess someone else jumped the battery.

My home because I almost lost it.

For my parents because without them I wouldn't have made it. New roof, help with cars, etc...

For my kids, because if not for them, I'm sure I would have given up. They turned out so great inspite of it all.

For my extended family because they were always there for me, and cheered me on.

For my husband because he is so great. He is everything I prayed for.

I'm thankful that God let me travel that road.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

What I'm Thankful for

I'm So Thankful that my sister is having Thanksgiving at her house. She's the best. The picture above is of last years pumpkin pie eating contest. My daughter Susan and nephew Justin. Thanksgiving was at my house last year.

Friday, November 21, 2008

The Hulk

We've taken up a sport----boxing

Monday, November 17, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

The company I work for volunteered to haul the tree that will be used as the City's Christmas Tree. I was asked to ride along and take pictures. Most of the pics are on the company computer, but I e-mailed this picture to my home. The tree was huge, 10300 pounds, I guess Idaho Power was able to weigh it when they had it attached to the boom, that was used to put it on the low boy trailer. The branches did a bit of street sweeping all the way to the final stop.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Last night Gary and I watched the last part of the old movie "MIDWAY" we have watched this movie many times. We've watched all/most of the World War II movies many times. Gary likes to see -the real footage that has been added to the movies. But it is real hard on him because he sees so many flaws. Example--- Charlton Heston ( Gary's hero because of his views on gun ownership) flies off of the carrier in a TMB-Avenger, then they show him in flying formation in a F6F-Hellcat, then there is a close of him in a SBD-Douglas Dauntless, then he crash lands on the carrier in a Helldiver.
PS - did I mention Gary restores World War II airplanes. This is Gary's brother Bryan and Todd they both work with Gary. They are rebuilding a P-38 for a museum. If you ever have any questions about Warbirds, Gary is your man.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Thank you for Serving our Country!

John--My son. John got out of the army this year, he was a recruiter in Kalispell Montana. I'm glad he and his family are home.

Rick - My brother, Rick didn't tell us very much about his time in a Submarine, because if he told us he'd have to kill us. I don't have a picture of him in his navy uniform. it was way before digital cameras and I'm not sure where the pictures are that I borrowed/stole from my mom.
Gary didn't have to go to Viet Nam, he was married with a baby. He was a tank designer for an Oridinance Company that manufactured battle tanks.
Gary's son Clay retired last year after serving 22 years in the Army he was a Military satellite controller. Gary is looking for a picture of Clay.

Monday, November 10, 2008

All I want for Christmas

I told Gary that all I wanted for Christmas was to get the laundry room painted. We have started the painting, but can't seem to find time to finish.

So later in the day Gary says, so you want the laundry room painted and a new gun......

I asked a friend of Gary's once "How many guns does one man need" He said, "Just one more"

Friday, November 7, 2008

Home Alone

Gary took his daughter Kelly out to dinner and to a Hocky game for her birthday. I didn't go because...... I don't care much for Hockey and I think Kelly enjoys spending one on one time with her dad. And I enjoy an evening alone now and then. So it's Win Win. So I think I will go watch.....whatever I want.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

One Year Ago Today

A year ago today my sister-in-law/ no... my sister lost her fight with breast cancer. Boy was she a fighter. She never gave up the fight, she never gave up her hope or her faith, that God could heal her. I never heard her complain. She told the nurses at the Doctor's office that if any women needed to talk to someone who was going through the same battle that they could give them her number. Tina went to her sons wrestling match 4 days before she died.
She learned how to dirt bike, so she could spend time with her boys.

She was the funniest person, I've ever known. One time the Doctor was telling her about a procedure that he thought Tina needed to have done, he said that he would recommend the procedure for his own wife. Tina asked "So do you love your wife?"

She left a big hole in our family, and we miss her. But we know we will see her again in Heaven.