Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sand Dunes

Gary, Tucker and I went to the Bruneau Sand Dunes for the our first campout of the year. This is the trip that we figure out what we need to restock the trailer. Can Opener, coffee filters, flash light, T.P. lucky for us there is a store not to far away.
Bruneau Sand Dune State Park has the Tallest Single-Structured Sand Dune in North America. No I didn't climb that dune. The sleds didn't work where we were, I think we needed to go to a higher steeper part of the dune. Tucker had fun rolling down the dunes, he didn't need a sled.

The weather was wonderful on Saturday.

Gary was just exhausted after playing baseball. It's hard work, but someone has to do it.

We had a change in the weather.... after lighting the campfire it started to drizzle, then it started to pour. So we went in and watched a video about NASCAR--great thing those hook ups. About 2 am the wind started to blow, I thought the trailer was going to end up in the next county. But we only lost the sand bucket.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Ugly Bags

Linda, my friend and co-worker and I are in a competition to find the ugliest bag. She is supposed to find an ugly bag for me and I will try and find an even uglier bag for her. So far she's the winner. Linda is off on medical leave so when I went to visit her she gave me my birthday present early. Three ugly bags....only I told her I liked them ....... She said she's spent a lot of time on-line looking for ugly bags. She wanted me to take them back to work and ask everyone for an opinion. A couple of people hated the top one, And a few thought the one below was the worst.

But the winner, or is that the loser was the bag below.......

The shiny, plastic, watermelon eating smiley faced I-Pod playing bag is the ugliest of all. I asked a couple of men which one they thought was ugly. One said this is a trick question.....I'm not answering that. After I told one guy that they were a birthday gift from Linda he said they are all fabulous, and walked away......those guys have been married for along time. They've learned when to keep quiet.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

New Computer---5.1 to 9.1

We are up grading our computer system at work, we are coming out of the dark ages. So now all us old dogs need to learn new tricks. When I say old dogs, I'm not kidding I think there are about 4 people that are under 50, and many are over 60. Some of us have been working Saturdays and over time during the week. I'm tired. ................

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Amy

Guess what I was going 34 years ago today..............Amy, I hope you have a great birthday. ENJOY!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

March Fun?

First---I can never get my pictures in the right order, when I up/download these pics are all messed up. Anyway Gary and I try to take a few days off in March for spring fun. In 2006 we went to Kalispell to see my son John, his wife Nicole and baby Hadley. We also visited Glacier Park.
2007 --This is Gary in CA visiting his grandkids-He went to CA for business but took a couple of days for fun.

In 2006 we also went to Moab with my daughter Amy and her husband and kids. We had a great time exploring the area. This year we will be staying close to home for the month of March and for the next few months. Why? Well we are getting an upgraded to our computer program, and we (people at work) will be spending a lot of time (weekends) getting all the master files entered and learning the system. We have a go live date set for the end of April---Here's hoping for an easy transition.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Happy Birthday Garron

Saturday is my nephew Garron's birthday. Garron was born several years after my sister and I had our babies. So everyone was so happy to have a baby in the family again.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Mom

Happy Birthday--Hope you have a great day. Hope you don't mind, that I posted this picture.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

38.5 Miles

We went 4 wheeling today, the weather wasn't the best...we ate lunch in the rain...well it was more light rain/ sprinkle, and it didn't last long. We dressed warm, so it wasn't so bad. Gary put hand warmers on the ATV's so that helped a lot.
there are still a few patches of snow.

We saw a lot of white tail deer,..... I found a piece of petrified wood .......and I lost the lense out of my glasses, I'm sure it happened when we stopped to take pictures of the deer......we looked everywhere. Oh well, I was due for new glasses anyway.