Thursday, May 28, 2009

I Wonder Why Wednesday

Last Weekend I kept my eyes open for deer. We were in the mountains and we drove over 135 miles, I would have thought we would have seen at least one. I wondered why we didn't? but figured that the 4 ATV's were loud enough to keep them in hiding. But this morning, as I was driving to work 4 deer ran across the road, right in front of me. I was only 1/4 of a mile away from home. I've lived here for almost 10 years and haven't seen them before. We have brave deer in our neck of the woods--I mean fruit orchards, they are not afraid of a bright yellow Ford 350 diesel.

Monday, May 25, 2009

95 Miles----Crazy

Long Day of ATVing. At least it was an easy ride, if you didn't count the campers going home. It sort of felt like we going the wrong way on a one way street. Tucker was throwing pinecones in to the river and running to the other side of the bridge to watch them come out.
Pictures of the ATV's Gary said I can't write about 4 wheeling unless I show pictures of the ATV's. We tried to get to Rocky Bar (whatever that is) but we were stopped by snow... again So we had a snow ball fight.
95 miles in one day is a record for me. I wanted to keep driving until I had a 100 miles, but the grandkids were hungry so we loaded up and headed to dinner in Idaho City- They are used to filty dirty riders.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Amy, Mike, Emily, Tucker, Gary and I rode the ATV's to Silver City. We were trying to decide where to have lunch and a man in a big truck told us that there were picnic tables on the other side of the creek.... we shouldn't have any trouble driving the ATV's across, he said. And we didn't, except it was deep, a man yelled put your feet up, but I didn't and I ended up wet.
So we had a nice lunch, and crossed the creek again and I ended up even wetter......

We found a trail that someone said would take us to an old mine. We crossed this creek about four times, didn't matter I was already wet.

The snow melt finds the easiest route down the mountain, sometimes it's the road.

I guess this is what's left of the mine.

We took the trail until the snow blocked the road. Then we headed back to Silver City. It started to rain. Then it started to pour, then it started to hail and then there was thunder, but it didn't matter cause I was already wet.

So was everyone else.
Don't know if you can see it, but there is hail on Mike's ATV. So we did the only thing we could, we went inside and had homemade pie and ice cream.
Strawberry Rubarb, Marion Berry, Dutch Apple, and Lemon Meringue.
We drove back to the Trucks, wet, cold, tired. But we had a wonderful time.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Last week Gary went to Chelan WA to see his brother, it was a quick overnight trip. When I got home from work I was surprised to see a huge shot gun next to my side of the the bed. Gary took it out of the safe, for my protection. I wonder why? I've never even held that gun, never shot it, I had no idea how to load it. I can see it now.... I hear an intruder.... I shout STOP I HAVE A GUN.... just give me a minute... Wait ....don't come in..... Gary showed me how to load it when he got home and I guess next time we go out target shooting I might try it. But--- We have this little 4-10 shot gun, it's small, kid size I shot it, once..... it hurt my arm.

Monday, May 18, 2009


I just hate that phrase. MY BAD.....who started that? maybe I should save that for I Wonder Why Wednesday?? Anyway I am bad. I forgot our anniversary. Today--- 13 years of marriage. Not sure why I forgot, maybe it was the busy weekend, or the fact that we go live with the new computer system this week. Maybe it's because Gary makes most of our days special.
Gary remembered first and called me at work, to wish me happy anniversary...., I would have said something like.....I wondered when you would remember. Sometimes it feels like we've been together always. Sometimes it seems like we've just started our marriage. And maybe botAdd Imageh are correct. I know I'm thankful God brought Gary into my life.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Emily's Dance Recital

Saturday evening Gary and I went to Emily's Dance Recital. She did a great job. In fact she was the best dancer in her group.....Well I'm pretty sure she was, I mean I didn't really watch any of the other dancers. I only had eyes for her.
Tucker, Hadley, Emily

Proud mommy. Busy mommy..... Emily was in 8 dances and 1 tumbling routine, Amy was back stage helping Emily change into her costumes.

Friday, May 15, 2009


My niece Carrie graduates from Boise State University tomorrow. She is now a nurse....well after she takes her state boards. This Is Carrie and her sons at the LPN pinning ceremony. I think Carrie will be a wonderful nurse. I think Carrie plans on becoming a RN-at least that is her plan.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I Wonder Why-Wednesday!

I follow a blog that does a post every Wednesday with older/vintage photos. She calls it Wistful Wednesday. Gary saw her blog and said I should post old photos, too. But I would have to scan them, and our computer is about full. I get warnings that my C drive is almost full. I need to do some purging. Anyway I decided to do ----I wonder why Wednesday. So here is what I've been wondering about.

I wonder why Gary sleeps with his pillow at least 12 inches below the headboard!! It's just weird. He sleeps all curled up, so he has plenty of room, his feet aren't hanging off the bed. But the problem comes when I pull the covers up to my chin, I cover up his head. When he uncovers his head, he also uncovers my......well you know.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I learned two things while sitting in front of the fire Friday night. 1. Watching the full moon slowly rise above the hill tops, brings peace to your heart. 2. Wearing fake crocs at a camp fire.....not so much. My feet were cold so I sat close to the fire, and soon my feet warmed up, then they were toasty-then they got hot, so I kicked my crocs off, I won't be wearing those shoes to a campfire again......or any where else.
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Monday, May 11, 2009

Fun Weekend

Gary and I went camping, we left Friday night, and most of the family(my sister and her family are missing) came up for a few hours on Sunday. So I got to spend Mother's day with my mom. She's playing baseball with two of her grandsons and one great grandson.
I got to spend it with my daughter Amy--She's holding her niece Payton.

My daughter-in-law Nicole and her daughter Hadley. Hadley was having fun playing in the dirt.

I asked Hadley if she wanted to go Bouldering.
She wasn't sure

But these guys were sure.
Hadley, John (my son) Tucker (grandson) Justin and Garron (nephews)

Emily and Tucker hanging on for dear life.

They made it to the top......yeah

Justin and Garron made it to the top, also but this was a much larger rock---I really hated watching them come down. The real boulder climbers come prepared with chalk and a crash pad. Not us......
brotherly love......

Daughter Susan and Payton.... first time Payton's been rock climbing.
Also her first time riding an ATV. don't worry, Emily was driving very slow and they didn't go very far.

Oh did I mention it was Gary's birthday----HAPPY BIRTHDAY GARY-

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Computer problems

My computer is giving me fits.... I think it has the swine flu.... or maybe it's a worm. I need to get it in and get it cleaned up. We bought a lap top for our Company office, Gary will use it to keep track of all the pictures he takes of his projects. And if all goes well we will use it for Quick books. However, I need to learn how to use a lap top......I really don't have a clue. Hopefully I will learn to love it.
I'm working over time again. They made program changes in the new system, so now we can get all the spud cellars / locations in using longitude and latitude we are building new cities at each cellar site, using each cellar name as it's own city. example----Gray Storage with the city of Gray Storage, Id. The transportation package we bought only uses real cities. And since farmers don't build their spud storages next to the post office, we needed to have changes. It seems to be working pretty well. Most of our storages in Idaho are in, and some of the Columbia Basin Storages are done. The new go live date is May 21.