A year ago today my sister-in-law/ no... my sister lost her fight with breast cancer. Boy was she a fighter. She never gave up the fight, she never gave up her hope or her faith, that God could heal her. I never heard her complain. She told the nurses at the Doctor's office that if any women needed to talk to someone who was going through the same battle that they could give them her number.

Tina went to her sons wrestling match 4 days before she died.

She learned how to dirt bike, so she could spend time with her boys.

She was the funniest person, I've ever known. One time the Doctor was telling her about a procedure that he thought Tina needed to have done, he said that he would recommend the procedure for his own wife. Tina asked "So do you love your wife?"

She left a big hole in our family, and we miss her. But we know we will see her again in Heaven.
Very nice heartfelt tribute Jewel, I bet she was so proud to be your sister in law or sister.
By telling about her, her brave story continues. Thanks for sharing:)
Tina sounds like a wonderful, radiant, joyful woman. Her absence must leave such a hole in the hearts of your entire family.
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