Thursday, February 12, 2009

I Can Share, Now

My daughter, Susan said that I can share what she has been going through--See post for Feb. 4th---

When Susan went in to see the Doctor for her 6 week check up, you know 6 weeks since she had her little baby girl. The OB said she needed to have the mole on her back looked at. And she said that Susan should have it looked at right away. So the first thing Susan did was look on the internet and was frightened by what she read. Anyway the mole was tested, and the biopsy came back that it was melanoma, the Dr said--don't worry and stay off the computer---too late.

The mole, along with alot of tissue was removed, Doctor said they caught it early --so now all we had to do was wait to see what the results of the blood test and chest x-ray were. It was the longest few days of my life. Oh -- and everyone else in the family. Everything looked good, she did have 3 more moles removed, because one, came back precancer. Now Susan will have to be checked every 3 months, for a year and then every 6 months for a time. No more sun tanning, and since it runs in families, Amy, John, her dad and I should be checked out. I am so thankful that everything turned out like it did. God is Good

1 comment:

Far Side of Fifty said...

I am happy that everything is OK, it is a good thing that the moles were removed and that she have follow up appointments. God is indeed good!
What a big worry the health of our children always is, their families need them so much, and we do too! :)