Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Christmas at the Orchard House

The Orchard House decorates the garden
They Invite Clyde the Camel

Then they invite everyone to come and share the fun. I Love the camel and I'm pretty sure he loves me too. However, the camel licked Tucker, so Tucker thinks the camel likes him the best.

Mrs. Santa takes pictures and then e-mails them to you----grandma takes pictures too!

Payton didn't like Santa, she refused to sit on his lap, she liked the camel better than santa. I had a lot of fun and I'm going back on Sunday and taking my parents. And this time the batteries in my camera won't die.

1 comment:

Far Side of Fifty said...

Looks like a pretty cool place..Lucky for Tucker is was a licking camel.. rather than a spitting one:)