Saturday, December 12, 2009


Yep, it was raining in the garage, well sort of. We have a hose hooked up to the water system, the water system that keeps everything it touches from turning orange, and smelling like sulfer. Gary uses the hose to wash the Land Cruiser and the ATV's. He rolled it up and brought in the garage...he left it hooked up. I'm thinking the hose and squirter nozzel might have been frozen in the on postion, because last night we heard water running and finally figured out it was coming from the garage, water was everywhere, that squirter works just fine. Then this morning, more water problems, this time, it was the lack of water. Something froze up (maybe due to the soaking it got last night). Gary used his heat gun and we got our water back. Which is a good thing, right? Maybe not. Because tonight our kitchen sink over flowed. Water running everywhere. The water system, does some sort of cleaning action and runs water thru the kitchen sink drain, unless the drain has a clog, then it just fills the sink and runs all over the floor. It took pretty much every towel we have to clean it up. But it could be worse. Yep a lot worse.

1 comment:

West Side of Straight said...

Oh don't ya hate when all than happens. Hate water/plumbing problems! Hope all is ok now.