Thursday, January 8, 2009

I had a Dream

Not the kind of Dream that Dr. King had, no mine was weird. I think what brought the dream on is my search for bargains, yesterday after work I went to the mall to pick up a birthday present, and found Christmas items for 75% off so I bought a couple of Christmas dresses for.....whoever might fit into them a year from now. They were only 1.98 so I guess if I end up giving them to "Goodwill" It wasn't a bad deal. So anyway, my dream was about me shopping in a store that was celebrating 37 years in buisness--who celebrates 37 years? Anyway a lot of the items in the store were 37 cents. In my dream, I didn't buy just any ol 37 cent junk, no just the good 37 cent junk. The best part of the dream was getting to meet Tony Stewart-(all dressed up in his racing gear), you know---Home Depot---Nascar. I'm not sure why he was at the store, but he was very friendly. Do you think I need therapy? So do I!!

The Home Depot 20 car made a visit to our local Home Depot about 3 years ago, So Gary met Tucker and his mother and Dad. Tucker was so excited to see the car. He loved it when they started the car. The men that brought the car enjoyed watching Tucker's excitement so much that they gave him a model of the "20 Car".

Tucker had a hard time saying Home Depot, he called it the poo poo car.


Amy said...

I can't believe how little he is in these pictures......

Far Side of Fifty said...

Shopping those I would consider a nightmare! :)