Thursday, January 22, 2009

Yep things have changed

No, the fog hasn't lifted, we are still socked in.....but now we have had a little snow, rain, freezing rain. Freezing rain as in ice cubes, well almost. Tonight after work, after stopping at the mail box and after seeing the coat of ice on the box I still decided to head for the hills. I just had to try to get out of the depressing fog/ inversion. I thought if I could just get high enough I could see the sunset. So I headed out highway 95, I drove until the fog was really thick, I was thinking that any minute I would drive out of the fog (someone at work told me that happened to him on that road) the only thing that happened was the road was getting slick -the freezing rain--and it was getting dark and I was getting a little/lot nervous. So I came home. by the way, it is supposed to rain or snow for the rest of the week.......I'm sure in 6 months I'll be complaining about the heat.

1 comment:

Far Side of Fifty said...

Sounds like there is no escape from the FOG:(