Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas shopping

Tonight we are braving the cold and going out to shop, ....wait I don't think you can call it shopping when all we are doing is buying gift cards. I don't think giving gift cards is as much fun as giving actual presents, but I want everyone to get what they want, I don't want them to have to stand in a line to return items that don't fit. The tree isn't as pretty without all the presents underneath. However the up side is we don't have to spend two nights wrapping. Anyway wish us luck, I'd like to get done tonight---I plan on spending time with a baby girl soon

1 comment:

Far Side of Fifty said...

I save the old check book boxes and put the cash or gift card in there, I wrap them beautifully! After they have unwrapped them, I gather up the boxes for next year! Recycle! A Baby girl! Hope she is here safe and sound soon! :)