We have been blessed this Christmas, with a new grandbaby. What could be a better present?

Erin, my niece thinks getting engaged is a pretty good present. Welcome to the family Andy.

John, Nicole and Hadley think that finding out they are having another baby is a great present, and so do I. Their baby is due the end of July.

My mom and Dad---John and Thelma---They started all this!

Susan and Mark and Payton. They didn't make it to the big family dinner- The Doctors told them to keep the baby away people, especially little kids that might have a cold or flu. Gary and I went over to their house this morning for breakfast.

Amy and Mike, Emily and Tucker--We haven't had Christmas with Gary and me and all my kids, we wanted to wait until Susan and Mark and the baby could join us---Not sure when that will be.

my nephew Sean and his nephew AJ.

My niece Carrie and her sons Patrick and AJ.

My sister Cheryl and her husband Tony.

My brother Rick and his daughter Courtney.

My brother David and his sons, Garron and Justin.
We had a great day, great food, gift exchange , and games. Tomorrow some of us are going sledding. Not me, I'm taking pictures. This is the only time I will hope for snow.
Jewel, Great Photos thanks for sharing! All kinds of fun things happening in a large family! :)
Wow!! You have a lot to be thankful for. Merry Christmas!
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