Monday, December 29, 2008

It's my Story and I'm sticking to it!

Last night I wrote a wonderfully uplifting and inspiring post. It was profound, yet somehow funny. You would have loved it. There wasn't one bit of whining about how awful my computer was acting, or about the snow that melted leaving a huge muddy mess at our house. But you won't be able to see it, BLOGGER ate my message.

So sorry


Far Side of Fifty said...


Justabeachkat said...

Sometimes Mr. Blogger is just a big old meanie! It's happened to me before too.

I pray you have a blessed 2009!


(BTW...yes, I've already started on my stockings for next year...believe me, it takes ALL year long!)

Barb said...

Could you write it again? :) Thanks for sending me you blogspot address! Happy New Year!