Thursday, December 18, 2008

Susan is in the Hospital

Susan went in for another ultra sound today and the Doctor that read the results told her she needed to be induced, her fluid level had dropped a lot and the baby wasn't moving very much. So she's at the hospital now--the kids sent us home because it was going to be a long boring night. They are giving her a low dose of the meds that start labor and tomorrow morning they will give her a strong dose. So I will go back tomorrow morning unless something happens tonight.


jewell said...

My name is Jewell also. I don't know of too many people with my name so I thought I would comment. I found you through Jody's blog.

Jewel said...

Hi Jewell--
So did you have a hard time with your name? I did, no one had ever heard it. Everytime I told someone my name, I would spell it. One day at work I answered giving my name and the man said "Oh, like the singer." I said yes just like the singer, except --she is young, pretty, blond, rich, and can sing. :)
Do you have a blog??

Far Side of Fifty said...

Hi Jewel, Well you will be an new granny soon! I send all my best wishes and prayers to Susan and the new babe, and to you too! I will be waiting to hear! :)